A documentary on college success and failure, Nov. 18

A documentary on college success and failure, Nov. 18

About one in three students who enrolls in college never earns a degree. That’s a telling statistic, but what exactly does it tell?

The New York Times and the Urban Institute’s Center on Education Data and Policy teamed up for a recent analysis of college-dropout data that found it was a major contributor to social inequality across the country. Trends show that lower-income and middle-class students who excel in high school commonly falter in college and then struggle in the job market.

Join us Monday, Nov. 18, from 6:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m., in the Hill Library Auditorium for a screening of the feature-length documentary “Unlikely,” which investigates America's college-dropout crisis. Set in multiple cities across the nation, “Unlikely” follows the lives of five students navigating the broken higher education system and the barriers they face in their pursuit of a college degree and a meaningful career.

Far from a dry, stat-obsessed documentary, “Unlikely” also shows some innovative ways that universities are trying to keep students on track to graduate and thrive after college. These include competency-based teaching, data-driven advising, and creative apprenticeships.

Click here to view the trailer. 

This screening is a co-presentation between the NC State University Libraries and the NC State TRIO Programs