What’s our climate’s future?

Journalist David Wallace-Wells visits campus Oct. 15  to talk about his book, The Uninhabitable Earth

The future is being transformed by climate change faster and more dramatically than we realize. Politics, technology, cities, business—even our sense of history, human rights, and justice—will all be changed by this massive force. But how? And to what degree?

Climate-change journalist David Wallace-Wells asks and answers crucial questions like these in his new, nonfiction book, The Uninhabitable Earth. Wallace-Wells visits campus to talk about his book and sign copies on Tuesday, Oct. 15 from 3:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m. in the Witherspoon Student Center (2810 Cates Ave.).

The event is free and open to the public. Books will be available for on-site purchase and signing from the NC State Bookstore. Tickets are available on Eventbrite here.

“David Wallace-Wells addresses climate change by synthesizing various perspectives on the issue and calling for action on sustainability and environmental stewardship,” said Katharine Stewart, vice provost for faculty affairs. “His insight will be of great benefit to our students, faculty and staff as they seek to address global challenges through teaching, research, and service.”

Wallace-Wells is the Deputy Editor at New York, where he writes a column on climate change, and where his viral cover story “The Uninhabitable Earth” was met with widespread acclaim, paving the way for his book. Formerly the Deputy Editor of The Paris Review, and a National Fellow at the New America Foundation, he is the co-host of the podcast 2038, which interrogates predictions about the next two decades.

Wallace-Wells's appearance is sponsored by the University Speakers and Lectures Committee, with support from the Harrelson Fund and the University Scholars Program.