Learn 360° video, GIS storytelling, digital archive management and more

Students get hands-on during a workshop.

Register now for our fall 2018 Digital Scholarship Workshops! Taught by NCSU Libraries staff, the series offers sessions on topics as diverse as 360° video creation, creating and managing your scholarly identity, the Open Science Framework, GIS storytelling, and public humanities data.

This fall we are partnering with the Special Collections Research Center to offer new sessions on digital archival research and methods. In one of these new workshops, Research Photo Management using Tropy (Wednesday, Sept. 26, 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m., ITTC Lab 2 at D. H. Hill Jr.), students will learn best practices for handling rare materials in the Special Collections Reading Room and how to organize and annotate digital photo collections using Tropy, an open-source desktop application. It’s perfect for students doing archival research or just interested in organizing their digital photo collections.

 Lucas Swick Generative Art ImagePortland, OR-based generative coding artist Lucas Swick will teach a hands-on Generative Art Coding Workshop (Wednesday, Oct. 31, 1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m., ITTC Lab 2 at D. H. Hill Jr.). You’ll learn about the history of generative art and will make your own generative art visualizations. Swick’s visit is part of his creative residency at the NCSU Libraries in our Immersive Scholar program, through which he will be working with data scientists and scholars at NC State to create generative art visualizations based on low-income demographic data sets in the Raleigh area.

In addition to offering these new sessions, we are excited to provide many new and continuing sessions on scholarly identity and research impact metrics, as well as workshops on digital humanities research and methods:

Scholarly Identity and Research Impact Metrics

  • Understand and Build Your Scholarly Identity
  • Creating a Scholarly Website
  • The Open Science Framework for Researchers
  • Measuring Your Research Impact
  • Tracking Online Research Engagement with Altmetrics and R

Digital Humanities Research & Methods

  • What is Digital Scholarship? An Introduction to Digital Research and Methods
  • Copyright & Digital Scholarship Projects
  • Public Humanities Data
  • Introduction to XML and Text Encoding
  • Querying XML Data with XQuery
  • Simple Text Analysis with Voyant Tools and AntConc
  • Diving Deeper into Text Analysis with R
  • Storytelling with GIS
  • Bringing Historical Maps into GIS
  • Research Photo Management using Tropy
  • Getting Started with Digital Exhibits in Omeka
  • Digital Exhibit Mapping in Omeka with Neatline

The Libraries will be offering more Digital Scholarship Workshops throughout the semester, so please keep an eye out for new ones being added. For more information, visit the NCSU Libraries Digital Scholarship Workshop Series page to register: go.ncsu.edu/digital-scholarship-workshops