SLA tabs Heidi Tebbe as “rising star”

Portrait of Heidi Tebbe.

The Special Libraries Association (SLA) has named Heidi Tebbe one of five SLA Rising Stars, an annual honor given to early-career professionals who have demonstrated leadership and the ability to creatively solve problems. Tebbe, the Libraries’ Collections & Research Librarian for Engineering and Data Science, will be recognized during the association’s 2018 Annual Conference in Baltimore in June.

Tebbe’s career has included highlights such as helping coordinate the Dynamic Sun event, for which Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO) discussed the breathtaking solar video feed, in February 2016. She was a panelist on the Women in Data Science Panel Discussion in March and collaborated (with Outreach and Engagement Program Librarian Virginia Ferris) on a project called "Enhancing Research on Women in STEM" that included an exhibit on the video walls at the Hunt Library as well as an event/partnership with WISE.

Tebbe is also an accomplished instructor through the Libraries, teaching workshops and sessions on version control using Git and GitHub as part of DSVIL, teaching colleagues how to wrangle R code for collection assessment, and training to become a Software Carpentry instructor.

“At the NCSU Libraries and in academic libraries more generally, the changing roles of subject liaisons has been at the forefront of conference presentations and organizational restructuring,” writes Head of Collections & Research Strategy Hilary Davis in Tebbe’s nomination letter. “In her short three years in the library profession, Heidi has developed a confident and keen  insight for helping to define the changing role of subject liaisons. As an NCSU Libraries Fellow, she led and contributed to initiatives that signify these changing roles including creating and contributing to panels discussing Women in STEM, learning and teaching coding/programming to support library decision-making, as well as to help skill-up researchers in data science.”