Where are the Group Study Rooms on the 2nd floor of Hunt Library?

Rooms 2304 - 2309: Take the first right past the elevators. The rooms are on the immediate left.

Rooms 2312 - 2315: Take the first right past the elevators, and then, turn left at the lockers. Continue straight. The rooms are on the left.

Rooms 2322 - 2328: Walk straight as you enter the library. Pass through the Rain Garden Reading Lounge. The rooms are on the right facing the Rain Garden.

See map.

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Keywords: 2304, 2305, 2306, 2307, 2308, 2309, 2312, 2313, 2314, 2315, 2322, 2323, 2324, 2325, 2326, 2327, 2328

Last Edited: Feb 9, 2018

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