What happened to LibX?

LibX was an open-source browser extension that connected you with the NC State University Libraries in a more direct way. As of 2018, the team that maintained the LibX project seems to have abandoned it, and as browsers have undergone updates, the most recent version of LibX is no longer supported. Unfortunately, NC State's edition of LibX has suffered the same fate and is no longer available on modern browsers.

The Libraries is evaluating other browser plugins and services that offer similar capabilities to LibX. In the meantime, one option we provide here is a "bookmarklet" that will quickly and easily allow you to add the NC State University Libraries proxy prefix to any URL:

Add NC State University Libraries Proxy Prefix

To use this bookmarklet, first, drag the link above to the bookmarks toolbar of your browser. Then, when you find yourself at a page where the Libraries might offer a subscription to the content, click on the bookmarklet to reload the page through the Libraries' proxy. You may be asked to log into your Unity account.

Website feedback

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Keywords: libx, off campus, off-campus, table of contents, table of content, TOC, TOCs, TOC, TOCs

Last Edited: Feb 3, 2020

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