I tried to link to an article, but it was not available online. Why not?

When you try to link to the full text of an article you find in a research database, it may not be available. There are a few common reasons why this can happen:

*NC State University Libraries does not subscribe to the journal containing the article you are looking for.
*The Libraries subscribes to the journal, but does not have online access to the particular volume you need.

In either case, you can verify what access we have to a particular journal by searching for it by journal title. Note that we may have the article you need in print rather than online (a more common situation for older articles).

If we don't have access to any article you need, you can request it from another library through Tripsaver, our interlibrary loan service.

Consider asking a librarian if you have questions about finding articles.

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Keywords: article, articles, journal, journals, full, text, fulltext, SFX, 360, link, summon, pdf, subscription

Last Edited: Sep 22, 2023

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