Website Redesign 2010

User-centered website redesign 2010


The goals of the 2010 redesign included:

  • Creating a fresh, modern and welcoming site, with a clear personality brand for the library
  • Streamlining homepage access to search functionality and core user tasks
  • Creating a Web site that accommodates a dynamic, continually-updated online presence, with a clear emphasis on innovative library initiatives and offerings
  • Designing a Web site infrastructure that is flexible and nimble

The approach to the redesign emphasized user testing, with slightly different iterations of the site being created after each round of testing to reflect user behavior and needs.

How We Did It

For the discovery phase of the redesign, web analytics, heat mapping, and search analysis were used determine information hierarchy, and to inform design and content strategy. We worked in collaboration with a consulting firm to conduct extensive interviews with students, faculty, and research support staff to build a set of personas that were used throughout the six-month redesign to frame discussions and articulate rationale for decisions. We also conducted multiple rounds of usabilty testing with students to inform design interactions for site avigation and search features. We also conducted heuristic review of sites identified as peer sites based on a number of weighted factors, to help identify any trends or innovative features in sites for libraries with strong digital library programs.  We performed a detailed three-level deep content analysis of the website's existing content allowed for more accurately addressing content needs and architecture.

After the discovery phase, wireframes were created based on the usage research and persona work. User testing in D.H. Hill library was conducted, and the resulting wireframes and sitemap were released to the NCSU community for remote feedback.
