Software workshop for visual artists and digital visualizers

Processing software logo above blue background.

The NCSU Libraries offers a free workshop for visual artists and others interested in digital visualization to get a great introduction to basic programming with Processing, a flexible software sketchbook and a language for learning how to code within the context of the visual arts ideal for both learning and prototyping.

The “Creative Coding Learnathon” on Thursday, Oct. 26, 5:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. in the Fishbowl Forum at the D. H. Hill Jr. Library is free but pre-registration is required. No programming experience is necessary. The workshop is designed for people interested in the digital visual realm.

Attendees must bring their own laptops and install the Processing software in advance (free, open-source download).

Instructor Payod Panda, a graphic designer and Libraries Graduate Services Assistant, will run the workshop as an open-door session to learn some basic programming concepts and to use code to create interesting visual output.

Topics to be covered include:

  • Programming basics: variables, loops, functions, code organization
  • Creative uses of mathematical functions to create visuals
  • Spatial orientation basics
  • Programming not-so-basics: classes and objects