Librarians to join Software Carpentry

Logo of the Nonprofit Organization Software Carpentry.

The NCSU Libraries is partnering with the Graduate School on becoming members of Software Carpentry, a national nonprofit training organization focused on teaching scientific computing skills specifically targeted towards scientists, engineers, and other researchers. Core skills taught by Software Carpentry include:

  • automating tasks using the Unix shell;
  • structured programming in Python, or R; and
  • version control using Git.

Founded in 1998, Software Carpentry provides freely reusable lesson materials under a Creative Commons license. Their volunteer instructors have run hundreds of events for over 22,000 researchers since 2012. Partner organizations receive access to instructor training and are able to run certified, low-cost, local workshops grounded in data-driven, reproducible research.  

With our Silver Tier membership, Libraries staff members Heidi Tebbe (Collections & Research Librarian for Engineering and Data Science), Jeff Essic (Research Librarian for Data Services), and Shaun Bennett (University Library Technician) will join three Graduate School staff to take Software Carpentry’s online instructor training program: Jason Cramer, the Program Manager for Professional Development Programs; Shreyas Narsipur, a Postdoctoral Trainee in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering; and Amulya Pervaje, a fourth-year PhD Candidate in Chemical and Biomedical Engineering.

Upon completion, they will be certified to offer Software Carpentry workshops in spring 2018. The membership extends the Libraries’ collaborative efforts around research support and open science.

Chris Erdmann, Chief Strategist for Research Collaboration, 919.515.5634,
Jennifer Garrett, Head of Digital Research Education and Training, 919.513.0536,
Heidi Tebbe, Collections & Research Librarian for Engineering and Data Science, 919.515.1199,