There’s no eclipsing the Libraries staff

The Libraries partnered with the College of Sciences on a terrific solar eclipse event on the Brickyard on Aug. 21. Holly Menninger and Marla Gregg at the college wrote a wonderful note of thanks to all the Libraries staff who helped make the experience so meaningful:

Please accept our heartfelt THANK YOU for all that you did to make the College's Eclipse Day Celebration such a huge success!

A few special shout outs:

  • Danica, Debbie and Shelby -- Thanks for sharing the mobile bookshelf of Eclipse related material and FABULOUS Eclipse Buttons on-site today and throughout our planning process.
  • Adit and Mike -- The live-feed of the NASA stream was a fantastic added feature. Thanks for coming through on a tight timeline with the big screen and collaboration with Com Tech.
  • Marian -- You've helped at every step of the way in our planning process. You are a wizard at making connections and making things happen.
  • Brian -- For arranging student volunteer backpack storage behind the Ask Us desk.
  • Big thanks to Karen and Heidi who were with us on the Brickyard in spirit today and put in loads of time to assist with planning and prepping for Libraries Eclipse activities.

NCSU Libraries is one of our most valued public science partners, and we appreciate how each of you went the extra mile. Please pass along our heartfelt thanks to any colleagues we may have inadvertently missed.

We hope you felt not only the awe of today's astronomical event but the tremendous sense of community that we did.