Research Study Guidelines

Policies and procedures governing assignment and use of library research studies

Skip to: Purpose  |  Procedures  |  Rules  |  Application Form


The D. H. Hill Jr. Library provides a limited number of small, locked study rooms to facilitate research and publication projects requiring extensive use of library resources. Study use is reserved for NC State University faculty, doctoral students, postdoctoral fellows, faculty emeriti, visiting faculty, and full-time lecturers. Since demand for studies exceeds the number available, the Libraries Administration will make assignments based on need and actual and/or projected use. Studies should be used often. Studies are not conference rooms, offices, or retreats for projects not requiring frequent access to library resources.



Research study room assignments are of three types, long term, short term, and daily. Long-term assignments typically last for one semester. Full academic year assignments are available for doctoral students engaged in dissertation work. Applications for an entire period are accepted at least two months preceding the period. Short-term assignments last less than one period, generally several weeks, and applications are accepted at any time. Daily assignments last one day, and applications are accepted any time.

Application Procedure

The application form for a research study room is available via the web. Applicants must complete a form providing the following:

  • a brief description of the research or publication project
  • justification for use of a study
  • length of time the study is needed
  • frequency of use of library materials

Renewals of Long-Term Assignments

Renewals of long-term assignments require a new application form. Assignees who voluntarily relinquish assignments during the regular academic year or summer months will be given first priority in the next period. Decisions on renewals will be based on the written justification for continued use and on the extent of use during the previous period as determined by responses to surveys.

Extensions of Short-Term Assignments

Extensions of short-term assignments will be considered if made before expiration of the assignment. Decisions on extensions will be based on the written justification for continued use and on the extent of use as determined by responses to surveys, if applicable.


  • Electrical appliances such as space heaters or appliances used to heat or prepare food or drinks are not permitted in research study rooms. Violation of this rule will result in cancellation of the study room assignment.
  • Smoking is not permitted in the study rooms or anywhere in the library building.
  • Libraries materials left in studies overnight without being checked out will be removed and returned to their proper collection location.
  • Three or more people may be assigned to studies furnished for only two researchers; desks, tables, chairs, and bookshelves must be shared. One occupant should not "take over" the room, and personal equipment should not interfere with the use of the room by other assignees.
  • The Libraries assumes no responsibility for personal items left or stored in rooms.
  • Facilities problems such as malfunctioning lights, air conditioning, and housekeeping problems should be reported to the Libraries Administrative Office at 919-515-7188.
  • The Libraries does not provide mail, telephone, or message service to the research studies.

* These policies and procedures were developed by the University Library Committee. This Committee has responsibility for advising the NC State University Libraries on such policies.