Happy New Year from Special Collections

To help ring in the new year, we're highlighting several issues of the Technician newspaper , featuring New Year's wishes for NC State students from the student newspaper's earliest years .

The above issue from Jan. 4, 1924, included New Year greetings to students from Eugene Clyde Brooks, president of NC State from 1923-1934, encouraging the "young men" of State College (two years before the first women graduated with degrees from NC State) "who seek a new freedom on a higher moral and intellectual plane during the year 1924" - and to avoid the "many opportunities" to indulge "low and base conduct."

Below, a Jan. 1, 1922 issue celebrated a basketball victory over the holiday break and gave similar words of encouragement - especially urging the students to work "with and not against Student Government," and help State College, as NC State was known at the time, continue to grow in positive ways.


he Technician, Jan. 1, 1922
The Technician, Jan. 1, 1922

You can browse these and many more issues online through our digitized Technician archive . Looking at first January issues of the year of the Technician over the years, the newspaper has reported on some common occurrences that are still relevant today as we prepare to start back into a new semester - basketball victories , the inaugurations of new governor s, and students returning to campus and registering for classes, through rain, snow, and ice at times .

If you are interested in learning more about the digitized Technician online , or any other resources in our Rare and Unique Digital Collections and collection guides , please feel free to contact us .  We hope that this new year brings the very best to all of our students, faculty and researchers!