"Show and Tell" event at the College of Design a Success!

Head of Special Collections, Eli Brown, reviews items at the "Show and Tell" with Professor David Hill and another guest
Head of Special Collections, Eli Brown, reviews items at the "Show and Tell" with Professor David Hill and another guest
Bill Ballenger, guest lecturer Nina Rappaport, and Dr. Burak Erdim discuss items relating to T. C. Howard and Synergetics 
University Archivist Todd Kosmerick and Dr. Burak Erdim examine items from Special Collections at the "Show and Tell" along with design students
Professor Russell Flinchum with a design student

This week's event at the College of Design featuring items from T. C. Howard's Papers on Synergetics was a hit!  Bill Ballenger , along with T. C. Howard's daughter Katrina Fairley, offered insights into the workings and history of Synergetics. Guest lecturer Nina Rappaport came to the mid-day event in the Rotunda and later that day gave a lecture on the Vertical Urban Factory as a part of the lecture series at the School of Architecture . For more information on how to view our collections, please contact us at library_specialcollections@ncsu.edu or click here .