Spotlight on Student Leaders: Rajesh Mirchandani and Adam Compton

Contributed by Samantha Rich

Staff members from the NCSU Libraries Special Collections Research Center recently sat down with former NC State Student Body President Raj Mirchandani (1999-2000) and Senior Class President Adam Compton (2009) to discuss their time as student leaders at NC State.

Raj Mirchandani
Raj Mirchandani

Raj Mirchandani recalled there was “one driving force” that influenced his decision to attend NC State: the university’s location in the state capital, Raleigh. Mirchandani, who was interested in politics, stated, “I felt like if I was there I might have more opportunities to do some of the things that were important to me and looking back on it, it paid off.” The political science major became interested in Student Government in high school and he took his interest with him to NC State when he entered as a freshman in the spring. Because he missed freshmen Student Senate elections in the fall, Mirchandani approached then-Student Body President Chad Myers (1997-1998) about accepting an appointed position to the Senate.

Mirchandani reflected on many aspects of his experiences with Student Government, including his administration’s emphasis on Hillsborough Street revitalization, the introduction of a late night bussing system (known as the Werewolf ), and lobbying against tuition increases at the state legislature. He also discussed some of his greatest challenges, his proudest accomplishments, and his relationship with Dr. Thomas Stafford, vice chancellor of Student Affairs, whom he cited as a mentor.

Adam Compton
Adam Compton

In addition to serving as president of the 2009 senior class, Adam Compton served as a Student Senator and as treasurer of Student Government (2006-2007). For Compton, membership in the Senate was “a really cool opportunity, it was a great chance to meet other people that were passionate about NC State, it was a chance to meet administrators and talk to administrators as well as a chance to talk to my peers about what’s affecting them and what changes they would like to see, and it was a really good learning experience.” As a sophomore Senator, Compton dealt with the theft of student basketball tickets, an incident that he referred to as “Voucher Gate,” and the problems associated with tuition increases. Compton also discussed what he considers to be his greatest accomplishment as a student leader, Student Government election reform, which included reduced campaigning time and fewer voting days.

Compton, who began the interview reflecting upon the challenges of his freshman year and his brief consideration of transferring to Virginia Tech, closed the interview saying, “My student experience has really changed my life...I love this university so much because of all the great things it’s given me.”

To learn more about Rajesh Mirchandani, Adam Compton, or other NC State student leaders, please visit Historical State or stop by the NCSU Libraries Special Collections Research Center.