Coffee & Viz - Scaling Visualization Beyond Post-processing

Friday, February 17, 2017
9:30am to 10:30am

This event is part of the Coffee and Viz event series.

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This image shows streamlines in a simulation of Earth's magnetosphere projected to the equatorial plane. The color is based on the magnitude of the ion flow speed. This image and others are computed in situ during the simulation for review afterwards.

This image shows streamlines in a simulation of Earth's magnetosphere projected to the equatorial plane. The color is based on the magnitude of the ion flow speed. This image and others are computed in situ during the simulation for review afterwards.


Friday, February 17, 2017
9:30am to 10:30am


Teaching and Visualization Lab, Hunt Library

About This Event

Please note: Everyone is welcome to attend this program. However, this talk is geared towards scientific visualization practitioners and assumes some knowledge of that domain.

As high-performance computer (HPC) systems continue to grow larger and in new directions, memory and storage speeds have fallen significantly behind the amount of computation that can be performed. This is leading to new strategies for simulation where the visualization or analysis of the simulation domain is the only artifact saved to permanent storage. In this Coffee & Viz, David Thompson of Kitware will describe the trends causing these changes and illustrate several approaches to dealing with data at these scales through results that various groups have obtained using ParaView's Cinema and Catalyst tools. For more information, see


Contact Information

Karen Ciccone


Free and open to the public.