Catherine Bishir Honored with Award in Her Name

Catherine Bishir The Vernacular Architecture Forum has recently announced the establishment of the Bishir Prize, to be given yearly for the best paper published in the field, in honor of Catherine Bishir (Special Collections Research Center). According to the VAF President's comments in announcing the award:

"The Bishir Prize, named after Catherine W. Bishir, is awarded annually to the scholarly article from a juried North American publication that has made the most significant contribution to the study of vernacular architecture and cultural landscape. In judging the nominated articles, the jurors look for an article that is based on primary research, that breaks new ground in interpretation or methodology, and that contributes generally to the intellectual vitality of vernacular studies . . . . The reason the VAF Board has chosen to honor Catherine . . . is for her influence on articles and essays on vernacular architecture and the cultural landscape, both through the example of her own writings . . . and in advising others in the fine art of short non-fiction."