Staff Notes: Hilary Davis

Hilary Davis (Collection Management) recently delivered a presentation for the "Collection Intelligence" program (also organized by Hilary) at the 2010 SLA Annual Conference in New Orleans, LA (June 13-16, 2010). Her talk was part of a panel of three presentations on the application of assessment tools and strategies to demonstrate use/value of library collections. The focus of her talk was to demo tools for displaying library data to stakeholders and external groups.

This year Hilary is also chair of the Science-Technology Division, a division of SLA composed of over 500 science and technology information professionals from across the globe. As chair she has been responsible for establishing the overall vision and goals for the division including leading all planning, budgeting, promoting, fundraising, and implementing of Sci-Tech professional development programs, webinars, and events associated with the SLA Annual Conference. More details on her talk and the "Collection Intelligence" program are on the Sci-Tech Division website .