NCSU Libraries Hosts Network Analysis and Visualization “Lightning Talks”

Network Visualization Lightning Talks

The NCSU Libraries is hosting researchers from NC State and the Friday Institute for Educational Innovation to give three short “lightning talks” on network analysis and visualization across a variety of disciplines including education, sociology, and linguistics.

Network Visualization Lightning Talks” will take place on Friday, February 19 from 9:30 a.m.-10:30 a.m. in the Teaching and Visualization Lab at the James B. Hunt Jr. Library.

  • Dr. Shaun Kellogg and Dr. Lauren Bryant, both research scholars at the Friday Institute, will describe how they applied social network analysis and visualizations to study the impact of social network structures on the ultimate success of both online communities of practice and large, multi-institutional project teams.
  • Dr. Steve McDonald, associate professor of sociology at NC State, will showcase network visualization techniques used in his research on job mobility and labor market contacts.
  • Dr. Robin Dodsworth, associate professor of linguistics at NC State, will discuss her use of social network analysis and visualizations to research community network structures and their correlation with linguistic variation.

The event is the second of six “Coffee & Viz” events throughout Spring 2016. The popular series of demonstrations and talks about visualization methods for data and information are held in the high-tech visualization spaces in the James B. Hunt Jr. Library and the D. H. Hill Jr. Library. All “Coffee & Viz” events are free and open to the public, though some events do require free registration. Events include coffee and light refreshments in a nearby space before the program begins.

About the NCSU Libraries “Coffee & Viz” series
“Coffee & Viz” provides an interactive and entertaining forum for NC State researchers to share their visualization work and discuss topics of interest. Presented by the NCSU Libraries in one of our state-of-the-art, high-tech spaces, Coffee & Viz programs are free and open to the public. For more information, contact Karen Ciccone at