NCSU Libraries I. T. Littleton Seminar to Explore Evolution of Research Libraries

Media Contact:

dwhiscoe , NCSU Libraries, (919) 513-3425

Rick Luce On May 27, 2010, Rick Luce, vice-provost and director of libraries at Emory University, will address new strategic thinking approaches for research libraries as featured speaker at the NCSU Libraries' I. T. Littleton Seminar. Responsible for executive leadership at Emory's Woodruff Library and coordination of university-wide library policy, his initiatives include developing premier research collections and creating innovative digital services. The Seminar will be held at 2:00 p.m. in the Auditorium in the West Wing of D. H. Hill Jr. Library on the North Carolina State University campus in Raleigh.

Luce's talk, entitled Science vs. Fiction: Strategic Thinking and Acting to Evolve the Research Library,  will explore a framework for strategic thinking shaped by the rise of new external methods of understanding our world. Luce will lay out the forces that are changing our theoretical understandings and then explain how he has bridged theory and reality with the lessons he has learned in actually recasting two world-class research libraries, at Emory and at Los Alamos National Laboratory. His experience provides an interesting approach for thinking about next steps forward for the research library--from supporting science and research workflows to digital humanities.

Luce holds numerous advisory and consultative positions supporting library information technologies, electronic publishing, and scholarly communication. He is a member of the National Academies Committee on Assuring the Integrity of Research Data in an Era of E-Science, and he has served on three National Science Foundation blue ribbon panels. He is a Board member of the Coalition of Networked Information (CNI); Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC); and the Canadian Knowledge Network. Previously he was the senior advisor to the Max Planck Society's Center for Information Management (2000-2006) and was an executive board member of the National Information Standards Organization (1998-2004).

During Luce's tenure as Research Library Director at Los Alamos National Laboratory (1991-2006), a blue ribbon panel of experts honored the site as having the world's best scientific digital library  (2005). In 2005 he was also awarded the Fellows' Prize for Leadership at Los Alamos National Laboratory, the first ever awarded to a nonscientist.

The annual I. T. Littleton Seminars are funded by an endowment established in 1987 to explore key issues in the development of academic libraries and to honor former Library Director Littleton upon his retirement from NC State. The Libraries welcomes your continued support of the I. T. Littleton Seminar series. If you would like to make a voluntary contribution to support future seminars, please send your check, payable to the Friends of the Library, to: Friends of the Library, NCSU Libraries, Box 7111, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695-7111. Please note "I. T. Littleton Seminar Endowment" on your check. For more information, please call (919) 515-7188.