Collections Review: Source Code

Source Code for the NCSU Libraries Collections Review Application

  • Some documentation is contained in the source code of the scripts.
  • collectionsreview.tar.gz (compressed package of all necessary scripts, plus a "README.txt" file)

To extract the package, use the GNU version of the "tar" command: tar xvzf collectionsreview.tar.gz

This will create a single directory called "collectionsreview" that contains all the scripts.

IMPORTANT: This configuration is very generic and does not use any authentication. There is one user account ("admin") that is hard-coded into the configuration file. (See "README.txt" and "includes/config.php" within the compressed package above.) The software assumes that some form of authentication is used, as it presents a user-specific interface.

This software is released under the GNU General Public License v2.0 (GPL 2). The version of jQuery (included in this package) is under the MIT license. The version of handlebars (included in this package) is under this license.

Preferred System Requirements

  • Apache 2.2 or 2.4 web server
  • PHP 5.x or higher
  • MySQL 5.x or higher (see the folder called "db" in the compressed package above for a basic ".sql" file for installation)
  • jQuery 1.7.2 JavaScript library (included in this package)
  • handlebars v1.1.2 JavaScript library (included in this package)

Screen Shots

The following screen shots show this generic version of the application. At NCSU, access to the application is restricted by requiring university-provided credentials.

Users can edit their name and email address. The "Admin Tools" link is shown only if the user is specifically listed as an admin user in the configuration file. (If a non-admin user attempts to access any of these tools, they will be redirected to the front page.)

Specific features include:

  • Filtering the list by subject or searching for keywords within the title
  • Downloading the currently-displayed list as a CSV file
  • Reading descriptions of each field by clicking the linked column header (pop-up window)
  • Sorting alphabetically by any field using the green and red arrows


    Selecting a priority ranking:

    example of selecting priority ranking

    A three-tiered ranking system was configured based on importance of a journal to research and teaching: 1 - Top Priority; 2 - Medium Priority; 3 - Low Priority. Selection of a priority is automatically saved and added to a "My Rankings" list. If users change a ranking, it is automatically updated in the "My Rankings" list.

    Adding an optional comment:

    example of adding an optional element

    As with priority rankings, submitted comments are saved and can be changed later. Comments and rankings can be added independently of each other.

    Viewing "My Rankings":

    example of viewing My Rankings

    Any title with either a ranking or comment (or both) are added to a "My Rankings" list.

    At any time, the user could click "Log Out" and all their settings/rankings/comments were saved. Thus, during the comment period, the user could return at a later date and review or update their selections or add more rankings. At the end of the comment period, these rankings and comments were sent to the NCSU Libraries Collections & Research Strategy Department.


    Contact Eric Pauley.