Want to Publicize Club Activities on the Vet Med Library E-board?

  Submit an image

What we display on our digital signs (eboards):

  • High resolution posters, graphic art, or photographs submitted by NCSU students, faculty, and staff.
  • Promotional materials from recognized campus groups.
  • The Libraries reserves the right to restrict content displayed on digitial signs.


  • Images must be at least 1920 pixels wide by 1080 high (in landscape/horizontal format).
  • JPEG or PDF formats only.
  • PowerPoint slides are acceptable when saved and submitted as PDF.

Questions, Comments, Help?

  • Contact: libraryvetmed@ncsu.edu or call 513-6218.
  • Assistance in creating digital signs is available in the Digital Media Lab next to the Learning Commons, on the first floor of the D. H. Hill Jr. Library's East Wing.