Open Access in Action at CVM - share your thoughts

It's Open Access week and we want to know what you think about the world's access to veterinary knowledge. We've posted questions on whiteboards in the Library, a poster board between the Green and Blue Commons, and a flipchart in the lobby of the Research Building. Open Access questions in Research Building

What % of One Health articles published are open access for everyone to read?

What % of articles published by NCSU CVM faculty in 2014 are open access for everyone?

How much would I have to pay a year as an individual subscriber to get one veterinary journal like Veterinary Clinics of North America?

If I didn’t have access to the library’s online resources tomorrow, I would…

To promote access to veterinary knowledge for those without funds to subscribe to veterinary journals, I can…

Please share your thoughts with us. We will post the answers to the questions about costs and percentages of available access on Friday. Have a great week!

Veterinary Medicine Library in collaboration with the NCSU Libraries Copyright & Digital Scholarship Center .