Sexton helps start Women in Technology group

Jill Sexton

The new, university-wide Women in Technology (WIT) interest group supports individuals who identify as women and/or anyone who considers themselves an ally of promoting women in technology. Jill Sexton, Associate Director for the Digital Library, serves on the WIT steering committee.

The group aims to comprise members with diverse backgrounds, experiences, and ages united by a common interest in making the technology field more inclusive, diverse, and supportive of women. WIT wishes to improve networking opportunities for women in technology, help create a supportive and welcoming technology culture, and grow and encourage women technology leaders.

Sexton sees these networks as providing important support for women in a field that is still male-centric. “I have learned how to become an advocate for myself and others. It really helps if you can recruit some partners to amplify your advocacy,” she told NC State News for a recent article. “It can be as simple as making a point to hear from every voice at a meeting, or supporting the ideas of others and giving them credit for having the idea.”

“Even today, women can be overlooked for professional development or career advancement opportunities, especially when they have children at home because their managers assume that their families are more important to them than their careers. I’m grateful to be in a position today where I can push back on those assumptions when needed.” 

Learn more about WIT in this recent news profile.