SCRC Finding Aid Redesign Wins Award

The  Society of American Archivists' C.F.W. Coker Award Subcommittee has chosen the NCSU Libraries' Special Collections and Research Center (SCRC) finding aid redesign as this year's winner. The award was established in 1984, and recognizes finding aids, finding aid systems, projects that involve innovative development in archival description, or descriptive tools that enable archivists to produce effective finding aids.

The award winning team includes Adam Berenbak , Brian Dietz , Todd Kosmerick , Cate Putirskis , Linda Sellars (all from the Special Collections Research Center), Jason Ronallo , (Digital Library Initiatives), and Markus Wust (Digital Scholarship and Publishing Center).

The award ceremony will be held in Washington, DC, on August 13, 2010.