Renda garners recognition for Art’s Work exhibition

Art's Work exhibit poster

Exhibits Program Librarian Molly Renda has been in the news a lot lately as the Art’s Work in the Age of Biotechnology: Shaping Our Genetic Futures exhibition that she co-organized has received substantial press. The exhibition catalog, which Renda designed, has also been chosen as a finalist for the Dedalus Foundation Exhibition Catalogue Award.

Molly Renda with Margaret Atwood during her visit to the Gregg Museum
Molly Renda gives a tour of the Art's Work exhibit to visiting author Margaret Atwood.

“In the course of this [exhibit], I’ve found that artists tend to be more dystopian and designers are more utopian,” Renda told IndyWeek for their review of the show. The exhibition has also been featured on the Art the Science blog and in CLOT Magazine

Art’s Work is on display at the Gregg Museum of Art & Design, and in the physical and digital display spaces at both Hill and Hunt, through Sunday, March 15.