Library Journal details the Libraries’ accessibility work

a collection of sensory maps

The Libraries’ accessibility efforts have been featured in Library Journal in a must-read, comprehensive article. “‘An Ethical Imperative’: Expanding Accessibility in Libraries at NC State” details our collective efforts and accomplishments since the formation of the multi-departmental Accessibility Committee in May 2021. 

LJ quotes Rob Rucker, Chief Strategist for Student Success, who really sums up the work: “The most exciting change has been the growing commitment of Libraries staff members to accessibility in all of its forms as an ethical imperative.” The article then details, area by area, how our attention to our users’ access needs has led to changes in every area of our user-facing operations.

In addition to Rucker, Robin Davis, Patrick Deaton, Tarida Anantachai, Beth Ashmore, Erik Olson, Troy Hurteau, Marian Fragola, and Alison Edwards are quoted and the efforts of Meredith Wynn and former colleagues Katherine Frazier and Lauren Murillo are also mentioned.

In reading the piece, you’ll likely learn about accessibility work in our organization that you might not have known about. It’s a shared point of pride and a great group accomplishment.