Development team wins trio of campus awards

Vice Chancellor for University Advancement, Brian Sischo (far right); Jeremy Allen, Libraries Executive Director of Development; Tim Edelen, Libraries Associate Director of Development, and Associate Vice Chancellor for University Development, Jim Broschart (far left). Allison Hughes, Program Coordinator, is not pictured.

Vice Chancellor for University Advancement, Brian Sischo (far right); Jeremy Allen, Libraries Executive Director of Development; Tim Edelen, Libraries Associate Director of Development, and Associate Vice Chancellor for University Development, Jim Broschart (far left). Allison Hughes, Program Coordinator, is not pictured.

The Libraries Development team was recognized with three 2023 team awards at the University Development Awards ceremony in August. The awards were:

Gifts & Commitments Exceeded Stretch Goal
In FY23, the Libraries grew our fundraising output by 43% from the previous fiscal year, raising $3.3M in cash and commitments (compared to $2.3M in FY22) and surpassing our stretch goal of $2.5M. 

Awards plaques
The three award plaques.

Endowment Giving Highest Percent of Total
Our supporters created eight new student employee scholarships and also committed to the largest single, non-in-kind donation in the Libraries’ history, along with a series of other endowment gifts. These gifts will help support and fund the Libraries for decades to come.

Qualification Outcomes Highest Percentage Improvement
The Libraries led schools and units across campus in donor growth, with a 17% year-to-year increase in donors, and our frontline fundraisers averaged the highest number of donor visits per fundraiser of any school or unit on campus, resulting in tremendous growth year-over-year in qualifying donors.

"These awards are the reflection of the incredible generosity of our Libraries' supporters, our great Libraries internal staff partners, and the work of our Development team over the course of the last fiscal year,” says Jeremy Allen, Executive Director of Development. “It is exciting to witness the continued growth of private philanthropy in support of the Libraries and our student community."