Wonderful 100: Extension Forestry

With the hiring of Harry B. Krauz as farm forestry specialist in 1918, the North Carolina Agricultural Extension Service began its forestry program.  During the twentieth century this grew to become Extension Forestry

A farm forestry extension meeting in Halifax County, North Carolina, 1929

The year 1918-1919 is really the first year for which we have much information about the farm forestry program, and at that time the extension agents spent their time talking to farm owners about timber management and utilization. 

Over the past century Extension Forestry has conveyed information to farmers through a variety of means.  In its earliest days it was through publications, and then later it employed such "new" media as the filmstrip below from the 1930s.

Timber marketing filmstrip from the early 1930s

Happy 100th anniversary, Extension Forestry!

Explore our website for more resources on the history of farm forestry and Extension Forestry in North Carolina.  Or explore any topic at Rare and Unique Digital Collections.