Spotlight on Student Leaders: President William C. Friday

William Friday interview for Student Leadership Initiative

President William C. "Bill" Friday is the next person on which we will focus during our week-long launch of the Student Leadership Initiative website .  Friday served as the president of the UNC-System (and its precursor, the "Consolidated University"), 1956-1986, but long before that he was a student at NC State from 1938 to 1941.  During the 1939-1940 academic year, he was the sports editor of the Technician student newspaper.  He was a member of the Golden Chain and Blue Key honor societies, and he served as the Student Senate President and as Senior Class President.  A brief biography of President Friday is available on the website .

The Student Leadership Initiative interviewed Friday shortly before he passed way in 2012.  In the video excerpts on the website, he talks about transferring to NC State from Wake Forest College and about being a textiles student, and he remembers the attack on Pearl Harbor and World War II.  As he says, "War changes everything."

Begin exploring the President Friday videos .

A full transcript of the President Friday interview is available upon request .