Special Collections Joins Digital Scholarship Workshops Series for Fall 2018

This fall, the Special Collections Research Center will partner with the NCSU Libraries Digital Scholarship Workshops Series this fall to lead a two-hour workshop working with Tropy, a free, open-source desktop application designed to help researchers organize and describe the photos they take in archives in intuitive and useful ways. In this workshop, Research Photo Management Using Tropy (Wednesday, Sept. 26, 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m., ITTC Lab 2 at D. H. Hill Jr.), participants will learn best practices for handling rare materials in the Special Collections Reading Room and how to use Tropy to group photos of research materials, annotate images, add metadata, export them to other applications, and easily search their own personal digital collections of photos. Reserve a spot by registering here.

The Digital Scholarship Workshops Series includes sessions focused on many other digital humanities research tools and methods, including Public Humanities Data, Copyright and Digital Scholarships Projects, Simple Text Analysis with Voyant Tools and AntConc, Diving Deeper Into Text Analysis with R, Storytelling with GIS, Building Digital Exhibits in Omeka, Bringing Historical Maps into GIS, Digital Exhibit Mapping with Neatline, and more. The Libraries will be offering more workshops throughout the semester, so please keep an eye out for new ones being added. For more information, visit the NCSU Libraries Digital Scholarship Workshop Series page, and stay tuned for more Special Collections workshops in the future!