Men's Basketball Video Now Available Online

The Special Collections Research Center is pleased to announce that over 20 film reels of men's basketball games from the North Carolina State University, Men's Basketball Audiovisual Materials have been digitized and made available online.  While most of these videos date to the 1950s, there are two from the 1940s and an All Star game from 1939.  They join a group of previously digitized video from the 1970s

Many of these films were created so that coaches could review games.  Typically, they contain only excerpts, lack audio, and were not used for broadcast.  Nonetheless, they are fascinating to watch.  Here is a sampling:

NC State vs. Wake Forest basketball game, January 31, 1953

NC State vs. UNC, December 28, 1951

North Carolina State University vs. Duke, February 10, 1951

In addition to game footage, some videos give a glimpse of campus life such as in this video of 1953-1954 highlights. It features many campus buildings and shows the student athletes at work in the College (then School) of Textiles.  Other videos show various events, including an event with cars driven onto the court after the conclusion of the game.

See Special Collections' digitized collections for more resources on men's basketball, including images and media guides. Please note that due to the NC State University Coronavirus Response, NC State University Libraries Special Collections Research Center is closed but staff are working remotely and are able to assist with some reference support.  You can submit a request to our online form, and we will respond to your inquiry as soon as possible.