Fabulous 50: Shirley Chisholm Visits Campus

Flyer, "The Union Lectures Board Presents the Honorable Shirley Chisholm"

Flyer from Shirley Chisholm's visit to campus on Monday, February 7, 1972, from UA 016.018, Legal box 10, Folder 10

On February 7, 1972 Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm spoke to a packed house in the Student Union ballroom. Chisholm, the first African American woman elected to the United States Congress, spoke at NC State as part of her historic presidential campaign. Chisholm was not only the first African American woman elected to Congress, representing New York's 12th congressional district (1969-1983), she was also the first to run for president of the United States in 1972. Campaigning under the slogan "Unbought and Unbossed" (also the title of her autobiography), her candidacy was rooted in opposition to the Vietnam War and promoting the needs of the underprivileged.

Technician article about Shirley Chisholm's speech, February 9, 1972
Technician, February 9, 1972


Her speech reflected many of these themes: women's rights, ending the Vietnam War, and giving voice to the impoverished "voiceless," both Black and white.  As reported in the Technician of February 9, 1972, she said, "As soon as I become president, I will immediately withdraw all troops from Vietnam and change the name of the White House to the polka dot house."  In regard to giving voice to the underprivileged, she said "In America it is not a question of skin color, although this is important, it is a question of have-nots, and the have-nots must get together."  She received three standing ovations from the capacity audience of 2,500 at the Erdahl Cloyd Union Ballroom.

Chisholm visited campus again six years later in 1978 as part of the Alternative Futures Symposium.  Her speech was titled "America's Impoverished Spirit."  In this speech, she said "No nation, regardless of its wealth, is able to survive if that nation ignores those in need.  The fall of all great nations is due to decay and distrust within."

Shirley Chisholm speaking at NC State as part of the Alternative Futures Symposium in 1978
Shirley Chisholm speaking at NC State in 1978 as part of the Alternative Futures Symposium


For more information about African American history and campus visitors at NC State, see our historical timelines and our digitized collections.  The NC State University Libraries also has additional resources on Shirley Chisholm, including books and videos by her and about herA preview of Chisholm's Unbought and Unbossed is accessible through Google Books.

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