We need your dazzling research images!

Ankita Gupta's image of sled dogs, a 2023 Envisioning Research winner in Graduate Student/Postdoc Photography.

Ankita Gupta's image of sled dogs, a 2023 Envisioning Research winner in Graduate Student/Postdoc Photography.

Have you taken some fabulous shots in the lab or the field during the course of your work? Submit them to Envisioning Research—NC State’s annual research image contest!

NC State is calling on graduate students, undergraduate students, postdocs, faculty, and staff to help highlight the beauty and importance of the work being done both on campus and around the world. There are cash prizes for winners and runners-up in four categories: photography, microscopy, graphics and data visualization, and video and interactive.

Started in 2016, the contest is a collaborative effort by NC State’s Office of Research and Innovation, the Graduate School, the Office of Undergraduate Research, the NC State University Libraries and University Communications and Marketing. The contest was born out of a desire to make NC State research more accessible by using art as a medium to explain complex discoveries.

Winners will be featured on one of the visualization walls in the Hunt Library. Visit online slideshows to see the winners in 20232022, and 2021. Previous winning work has been featured in exhibits at the Hill and Hunt Libraries.

The deadline for submissions is Monday, June 17. Full contest details and the online submission form are at https://envisioning.research.ncsu.edu/.