Student Short Films Showcase screens Thursday

Still from student film.

It’s a fan favorite every semester! The Student Short Film Showcase highlights the work of talented NC State students in the mediums of film, video, and animation, all under four minutes long on Thursday, Nov. 8, 7:00 p.m.-8:30 p.m. in the Hunt Library’s Auditorium.

From Stephanie Huang’s exuberant animation “Happy Dance” to Rebecca Dalimonte’s creepy, live-action “Vandal,” we’ll screen around 20 films that range from hilarious to moving to downright weird and wonderful. Student filmmakers will also be on hand to talk about their works. The works come from classes taught by faculty members Marc Russo, Sarah Stein, and Jim Alchediak.

Alchediak, who teaches the digital video production class whose students' works is featured in the showcase has said of the event, “It’s a really nice opportunity for students to showcase their work and, of course, it’s increasingly rare for students to have an opportunity to see their work play in front of a live audience like this.”

The screening is free and open to the public.

Marian Fragola