Research Strategy workshops for spring 2019

Research Strategy workshops.

The NC State University Libraries offers a variety of Research Strategy workshops for students, all of which require no prior experience. The Research Strategy workshop schedule for the spring 2019 semester is:

IRB Basics Part I: An Introduction to the IRB process at NC State
Friday, Feb. 15, 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m., ITTC 1A/B (D. H. Hill Jr.)
Tuesday, Feb. 26, 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m., MSC (D. H. Hill Jr.)
The IRB process can seem overwhelming, even to seasoned researchers. This workshop will introduce participants to key elements and information about the IRB at NC State including: Its history, An overview of the IRB structure, processes, and procedures, Practical implementation and application for approval through the IRB office.

The bulk of the workshop will focus on an in depth review of the IRB application, detailing what reviewers are looking for and what information is needed to be provided in the application. The session will end with a discussion regarding the process for amendment and continuing review requests once the IRB application has been initially approved.

Participants who complete this workshop will be able to navigate the eIRB system for application submission, understand what content needs to be provided to the IRB for a smooth approval process, and understand how the IRB at NC State functions.                                                                                                                                                                          

IRB Basics Part II: Handling Your Data and Assessing Risks & Benefits
Friday, Mar. 8, 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Tuesday, Mar. 19, 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
ITTC 2 (D. H. Hill Jr.)
Even seasoned researchers can benefit from learning more about the intricacies of the IRB process as it relates to their data, as well as the risks and benefits around research. This workshop follows up on IRB Basics Part I to provide additional information that will help attendees complete their IRB application. Attendees will learn about handling their data including: Learn about the data life cycle, How data collected on their research participants can be vulnerable, How to map their data through all of its steps (collection, transfer, storage, and disposition) in order to keep it safe, How to describe their data's life cycle in the IRB application. How to plan an appropriate data management plan in order to protect research participants’ privacy Attendees will learn how to assess and prepare for risks in their research including: Taking an in-depth look at issues related to risks and benefits in research, How to best assess risks and prepare for them in the field, Identify the risks and benefits of research and how to communicate these to the IRB and research participants, Identify appropriate and practical risk mitigation strategies for their research projects.