Libraries’ livestreams offer Special Collections unboxings, movie shot recreations, and more

The front page of the Libraries' YouTube channel.

The front page of the Libraries' YouTube channel.

The Libraries’ YouTube channel offers livestreaming of special programming and many Libraries events—all for free! Subscribe to our channel and you’ll get notifications of our upcoming events and access to recordings of previous ones.

In addition to the livestream schedule below, much of our jam-packed schedule of live events—including A/V Geeks, Coffee & Viz, Making Space, and much more—is livestreamed on our YouTube too! And if you miss the event, its recording will be available there to watch later.

The spring 2023 semester livestream schedule is as follows—all livestreams are at 1:00 p.m.:

Wednesday, Jan. 11—Procedural Coding
Friday, Jan. 20—Recreating Movie Shots

Friday, Jan. 24—Unboxing Special Collections
Wednesday, Feb. 8—Procedural Coding
Friday, Feb. 17—Recreating Movie Shots
Friday, Feb. 24—Unboxing Special Collections
Wednesday, March 8—Procedural Coding
Friday, March 17—Recreating Movie Shots
Friday, March 24—Unboxing Special Collections
Friday, April 7—Collage and College
Wednesday, April 12—Procedural Coding
Friday, April 21—Recreating Movie Shots