Films of migration and reconciliation

Still from "Bad Lucky Goat."

The Global Film Series at NC State University is a collaborative initiative to bring a variety of international and globally-focused films to campus. Interdisciplinary partners across campus select films from current releases, documentaries and classics highlighting the joys and struggles of the global community in which we live. These films also provide a venue for faculty and student organizations to share their global experiences and expertise with a wider campus and community audience. All films feature an academic introduction and an opportunity for reflection at the film's conclusion.

Campus partners include the NCSU Libraries, University Scholars Program, African American Cultural Center, Multicultural Student Affairs, and the Office of Global Engagement. All films are free and open to the public.

The fall 2018 Global Film Series schedule is as follows:

Bad Lucky Goat (trailer)
Tuesday, August 28, 6:30 p.m.-7:45 p.m. in the D. H. Hill Jr. Library Auditorium
Bad Lucky Goat is the first film ever written and produced in San Andres-Providencia creole, the distinct variant of Caribbean English spoken on Providence and its larger sister island, San Andres. The film tells the story of an incompatible brother and sister who accidentally kill a goat with their parents’ car and their journey of reconciliation. The film will be introduced by Dr. Tim Wallace, associate professor and anthrolpology program director at NC State, who has worked closely with governmental and community leaders on the island. Runtime 76 minutes. Not rated.

Harvest of Empire (trailer)
Tuesday, September 18, 6:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m. in the D. H. Hill Jr. Library Auditorium
This feature-length documentary reveals the direct connection between the long history of U.S. intervention in Latin America and the immigration crisis we face today. Based on the groundbreaking book by award-winning journalist and Democracy Now! co-host Juan González, Harvest of Empire takes an unflinching look at the role that U.S. economic and military interests played in triggering an unprecedented wave of migration that is transforming our nation’s cultural and economic landscape. This screening is in collaboration with Multicultural Student Affairs and the Office of Global Engagement. Runtime 90 minutes.

Imagining Emanuel + Out of Norway (trailer)
Tuesday, October 9, 6:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m. in the D. H. Hill Jr. Library Auditorium
The incredible migration story of Emanuel, an African refugee of disputed origin, is told in two successive documentaries by Norwegian artist Thomas Østbye. In partnership with the Office of Global Engagement, the African American Cultural Center, and Multicultural Student Affairs at NC State. Total runtime 95 minutes.

A fourth film will be added to the fall series soon.