Recommendations by Devon Waugh

Book cover

Yes, I know it's a silly title, but hear me out. I went with a few friends to the Carolina Theatre in Durham on a sticky July afternoon to watch Heat. They all walked out with jaws dropped, muttering, "This is an action masterpiece." It has been emulated often in the last few decades in music videos, TV dramas, and blockbusters (*cough* The Dark Knight *cough*), but none of them can replicate its operatic and brooding study of doomed men. The ending gives me goosebumps every time. 

A few days later, I picked up a copy of Heat 2 and found that the book manages to enhance the emotional stakes of a nearly 30 year old film. Like the Godfather Part II, the book functions as both a prequel and sequel that stretches from 1988 to 2000. I particularly enjoyed seeing young Neil McCauley and Vincent Hanna orbit each others' lives in 1980s Chicago. They're like two sides of the same coin. Part of the fun of reading it is picturing how Michael Mann would build this world on the big screen. Rumor has it that I may not have to wait too long to see the real deal. If you love crime thrillers and need an escape this holiday season, I highly recommend this. But please, watch the movie first.