Recommendations by Claire Leverett

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One of the two podcasts on my most-played list this year has been Normal Gossip, a show that discusses the everyday gossip of real people, situations and places, all anonymized. I enjoy hearing about the funny and crazy situations that people get themselves into, without the emotional stress of it actually happening to me or people I know. If you're interested in checking it out, I recommend these entertaining episodes: "Spot the Scammer with Claire Fallon and Emma Gray," "Grandma's Best Friend Dot with Danielle Henderson," and "Rich Mom Razzle Dazzle with Maitreyi Anantharaman." 

A tip about the podcast: each episode starts out with about 10 minutes of chatting between the host and the guest of the week. If you're like me, and you're not interested in the beginning conversation, please don't be deterred—the main gossipy content of the episode starts about 10-15 minutes into the episode. I recommend this podcast to anyone who likes hearing about the little dramas of everyday life and wants to add extra humor to their day.