Fasttrack AR/VR at NASA

AR in action during a training run.

Prototyping AR/VR applications takes less time than you think. NC State Alumni Cameron McKnight discusses how rapid software application development has reduced the turnaround time for AR/VR prototyping at NASA on Monday, Nov. 6, 3:30-5:00 p.m. in the Teaching and Visualization Lab at the Hunt Library.

In McKnight’s free, public talk, “Lessons learned: Prototyping augmented/virtual reality (AR/VR) at NASA,” he will share his experiences as a HoloLens developer at NASA, describe projects that he worked on with scientists and engineers, and discuss tips and tricks that members of the NC State community can consider in their own AR/VR projects.

McKnight studied Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mathematics at NC State, with an emphasis on physics and mathematical concepts. As comfortable in a traditional development environment as he is at a hackathon, McKnight was recognized as one of Peter Diamandis’ “Strike Force Fellows.” McKnight has studied in Harvard’s HBX program and MIT’s edX program and has a passion for space, particularly in propulsion, which led to internships with NASA and the National Reconnaissance Office.

This talk is part of the Peer Scholars Event Series; advance registration is required.