Special Collections Visit

Special Collections brought a lot of great stuff on their visit. They brought a first edition of Owen Jones' The Grammar of Ornament , concept drawings of the Dorton Arena and NC State Fairgrounds by Matthew Nowicki , plans of the Grove Arcade in Asheville by Charles Parker , and some very cool rare books on things like old cars and papermaking. Visitors got a chance to look over plans and drawings and leaf through the books. If you missed their visit, you can always request to see these materials in Special Collections , or mark your calendar for their next visit, Wednesday, February 23rd. We hope to see you there!

Looking at architectural plans and drawings:
Students looking at architectural plans in the Design Library.

Studying the rare books:
Student looking at rare books.

Students looking at rare books.

Getting a close look at The Grammar of Ornament:
Looking at Owen Jones' Grammar of Ornament.