design & wine series: Discover the Design Library


October 7, 2016
6:00pm - 8:00pm


College of Design - Design Library, 50 Pullen Road, Raleigh, NC 27695

Event Description

Join Friends of the Library for the inaugural design & wine series event: Discover the Design Library! The evening will include a Design Library tour, a show-and-tell of unique Design Library collections and resources, and virtual reality fun with Oculus Rift. Attendees will enjoy hors d'oeuvres, wine, and receive a logo wine glass.

Contact Information

Friends of the Library

Admission Information

Pre-registration is required.

All design & wine series events are free to current Friends of the Library members and Life Members. You can join Friends of the Library at Non-members can attend each event with a $20 cash door charge and required pre-registration.