Cindy Levine Honored by ALA

Cindy Levine, Research Librarian for the Humanities at NCSU Libraries was named Member of the Quarter by RSS, the Reference Services Section of the American Libraries Association. The recognition was made in the Spring 2013 RSS Review in advance of this summer’s ALA meeting in Chicago.

Describing what she values most about RSS, Cindy says, “I’m grateful to both RSS and RUSA for providing a kind of parallel professional life that complements and supports my primary role as a reference librarian at North Carolina State University. It’s been great to be part of these overlapping communities, and to build relationships with librarians across the country. Another benefit has been the ability to experiment with, and practice different kinds of roles, such as leadership and event planning, in a supportive environment. All in all, it’s been a great opportunity to develop skills to bring home, and to share ideas with great friends from other libraries.”

We congratulate Cindy for this recognition and her contributions to NC State and other librarians in her field.