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bulk_extractor command and output in the terminal

Detecting and Protecting Sensitive Information in Born Digital Collections

Social security numbers. Medical records. Academic transcripts. Email addresses. GPS coordinates. These may be left behind as traces of an individual’s or organization’s digital life.

 Young students watching the use of a computer

Born Digital Reboot

Just a bit over six years ago, we embarked on an initiative

Born Digital Buddies: Looking Outside of the Library for Answers

Since we began our born digital strategic initiative at NCSU Libraries we have been confronted with puzzlement about the project (why would anyone want anything on a floppy disk?) to fetishism (if it's on a floppy disk it HAS to be wor

Born Digital Doubt: Don't Let the Bits Get You Down

As the NCSU Libraries Born Digital Strategic Initiative has grown over the last year and a half, we have been fortunate to interact with many talented librarians and archivists who are also building programs at their

Discovering Born Digital Collections

One of the most significant benefits of working in the digital domain is the power to search quickly and accurately. Open a physical copy of To Kill a Mockingbird and then open a digital copy on a machine with a search engine.

Two (Disk Reading) Heads are Better Than One: Sharing Born Digital Resources

There are numerous obstacles to overcome when instituting a born digital process - gathering

Let the Bits Describe Themselves: Arrangement and Description of Born Digital Objects

Throughout our born digital strategic initiative here at NC State Libraries we have debated over the last year just how we will make digital items discoverable to our patrons.

Getting Things Done with Born Digital at SAA 2014

The Society of American Archivists' 2014 Annual Meeting just wrapped up in Washington, DC, and the NCSU Libraries Born Digital Strategic Initiative was represented through a panel, proposed by NCSU's

Access and Born Digital Collections

No matter how detailed the setup is for processing born digital collections, no matter what