Annual Book Sale!

Spring is here, and we know what you must be thinking ¦..what will I read at the beach this summer?? Let us help you out next week at the annual Friends of the Library Frank B. Armstrong Memorial Book Sale on the Brickyard, Monday, April 21, through Friday, April 25.

The book sale has been held annually for the last twenty-four years and is a wonderful way to support the NCSU Libraries while finding some great bargains! Each sale is the culmination of hundreds of hours of work by volunteers, students, the Libraries staff, and others. It's a great way to recycle books through the community and to give the NCSU Libraries that extra boost needed to help us remain a world-class resource for NC State.

Previews on Monday, April 21
5 “ 6 p.m.: Ribbon cutting and preview for Friends of the Library Life members

6 “ 8 p.m.: open for Friends of the Library members and volunteers (Note : NC State students can join the Friends of the Library for free! Click on the link or come to our office in the D. H. Hill Jr. Library for more details)

Open to the public

Tuesday, April 22 to Thursday, April 24
9 a.m. “ 6 p.m.:
Friday, April 25
9 a.m. “ 12 p.m.

Monday and Tuesday
Hardbound books and media “ $4; paperbound “ $2

Wednesday Half Price Sale!
Hardbound books and media “ $2; paperbound “ $1

Thursday and Friday Bag Sale!
Everything you can fit in a bag “ $5
(plastic bags will be provided by the Friends of the Library)

Individual items will be sold at $2
(hardbound books and media) and $1 (paperbound books).




Information on where to park: