And the Winners Are. . .

If you weren't in Witherspoon last Sunday night, you not only missed the red carpet, the drama of the competition, and a considerable amount of profiling by the emerging NC State film elite ”you missed seeing the winning films for this year's Campus Moviefest .

Here's your chance to catch up on the best of the best five-minute productions from this year's offerings:

Best Picture: The Revolutionary

Best Comedy: Panda Bear Affair

Best Drama: Walkman

Most Popular: So We've Got a Guy . . .

Best Actor: Charlie Allen (The Revolutionary )

Best Actress: Rhonda Bennetone (Damn the Clock )

The Campus MovieFest ”the world's largest student film festival ”loans all-comers all the equipment they need to make a short film in one week. This year NC State fielded almost 120 teams to take on the challenge. If you didn't, you should have. And you'll have another chance next year when MovieFest returns. The competition on campus is sponsored by the Union Activities Board, University Housing, IRC, DELTA, WolfTV, and the NCSU Libraries.

You can watch all Wolfpack entries on the MovieFest NC State pages .