Video: Creating a Professional Portfolio - a Peer Scholars Workshop, with Dr. Dianna Francisco

Professional Portfolios are a great way to highlight skills and experiences that don’t fit on your curriculum vitae (CV) or resume. For example,

• Key graphics and messages from your publications or research presentations

• Pictures and interesting finds from field campaigns or laboratory work

• Samples of your course materials, e.g. syllabus, lessons, handouts

• Student reviews, both qualitative and quantitative

A Portfolio can be a useful tool for job applications, and it can also be a good way to get your name and work noticed by others in your field. In Creating a Professional Portfolio workshop, we will walk you through what items to include and how to develop them. Then we will start setting up your own Portfolio online. We will look at examples of professional portfolio websites and discuss details on how to build one using

This video is a recording of Creating a Professional Portfolio, October 19, 2018