Video: National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Bootcamp - A Peer Scholars Workshop, with Morgan DiCarlo

The prestigious NSF: Graduate Research Fellowship Program provides support for graduate school via a stipend of $34,000/year and tuition/fees up to $12,000 for three years. This recorded workshop offers tips on preparing a strong application. Led by Morgan DiCarlo, a 2018 recipient, attendees will walk through an example of a successful application and learn how NSF applications are scored. The workshop focuses on a two-pronged approach, strengthening both Intellectual Merit and Broader Impacts to help participants structure a competitive NSF application. Refine your application with insights about standing out to the selection committee, and check that your application meets all the attributes which NSF looks for.

This video is a recording of NSF: Graduate Research Fellowship Program Application Bootcamp, September 26, 2019