LGBTQ at NC State

This page offers an overview of LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer) narratives, history, and scholarship available at the NC State University Libraries and elsewhere.

Discover LGBTQ at NC State University

The NC State University Libraries Special Collections includes primary source documents on the history of the LGBTQ community at NC State.


Explore Identities and Narratives

Available through the NC State University Libraries

The following online collections can be accessed through your Libraries account.

  • LGBTQ Thought and Culture: Online resource hosting books, periodicals, and archival materials documenting LGBT political, social and cultural movements throughout the twentieth century and into the present day.
  • Independent Voices: Digital collection of alternative press newspapers, magazines and journals, drawn from the special collections of participating libraries. Click 'Series,' select 'LGBT' (on-campus use only). 
  • LGBTQ studies in video: Cinematic survey of the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people as well as the cultural and political evolution of the LGBT community.

Search the Libraries catalog for topics, titles, and authors. Certain books and media are housed at the GLBT Center.

Recommended Reading Lists

There is a wealth of literature, both fiction and non-fiction, related to LGBTQ experiences and issues. Follow these links for lists of recommended reading and award recipients. While some of the recommended titles are available through the Libraries, others can be requested through Tripsaver.


Find Academic Research and Scholarship

Articles and Databases 

LGBTQ issues can inform research topics across all subject areas. Consider choosing research paper topics relating to these issues, and take advantage of the Libraries Databases to find prior research and discussion within different areas of scholarship.

Search tips

Terminology in LGBTQ communities and studies is fluid over time and adaptive to representing all identities and orientations. When searching for scholarly research related to these topics use keywords, truncation, and boolean operators.

Example Keywords:

LGBTQ, GLBT, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, trans, queer, genderqueer, aesexual, "same sex", "gender fluid", "queer theory"

Example of Truncation:

A search for lgbt* will include lgbt, lgbtq, and lgbtqa+. A search for trans* will include trans, transgender, and transsexual, as well as words like transition, translator, transistor, etc., so be careful.

Example Search:

If I were interested in research on transgender health care, I could use a search statement like this:

(transgender OR transsexual OR trans) AND ("medical care" OR "health care")

If I wanted to broaden that search, I could do so like this:

(transgender OR transsexual OR trans OR lgbt* OR glbt*) AND ("medical care" OR "health care")

If you need help or further suggestion, schedule a research consultation!

Selected Resources at the NC State University Libraries

Connect with Campus and Community Centers

Local centers on NCSU campus and in Raleigh provide support and resources.